Sabtu, 12 November 2011

Familiar Hairstyle Desain Clothes

You have recently heard about a new system that is able to store many thousands of examples of hair styles. A customer who is considering a change of style is asked to sit in front of a small camera attached to the PC. A digital image is taken of the customer and the chosen hairstyle is automatically superimposed. This gives the client and the stylist a much more accurate idea of the end result. It can even take colours, highlights and hair extensions into account.

This might be just the system to suit Top Cuts. However, a colleague of yours recently tried to introduce a similar system into a rival chain of hairdressers. Her clients were in a hurry to get the system up and running. She decided that to speed things up, she would not follow any recognised processes for introducing new systems and just get the new system in as fast as possible. Unfortunately, it failed very quickly. The hair stylists did not understand how to use the system, the camera was unable to take an image of the customer that could then be superimposed with the hairstyle and the hardware did not have enough processing power to run the system adequately. You are keen to avoid making the same mistakes on your project.

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